Jax is very lovable and sweet.
Jax is very lovable and sweet. He is 4 years old. He likes to snuggle and lay his head on you. He loves to play and is very hyper, loves to be outside and run. He is a known escape artist, so needs a home with a secure yard and minimum of a 6 ft fence.
He is usually a quiet dog and never barks but he does his husky talk sometimes. He has had a Rottweiler brother his whole life so he does not like to be alone, if he is going to be home without owners might do well to have another dog. He lived with a cat in the past and would corner her but never harmed her but I don't think he would do well around small animals. He is 62 pounds and up to date on his vaccines, chipped, and neutered. Lives with a 2 year old and plays well with her, sometimes he gets a little rough and have to monitor him with our child, we recommend children over 5 or an experienced husky home. Jax is currently in Kelso, Wa.
Please email nwsnowdogrescue@aol.com if you would like an application or more information.
IMPORTANT: Please note this is a courtesy listing NWSR has not evaluated this dog in person and any information is information provided by the owner/other rescue. NWSR cannot guarantee this information or take any responsibility for any inaccuracies in the above listing. As part of our assistance to the owner of this dog we will ask all applicants to complete an application Please expect that a yard check will be completed prior to adoption to ensure a secure yard for the dog.